“Hi, my name is Donnie Braswell, Captain of the Charter Boat Finest Kind. I want to thank you for visiting my website. My friends put this site together for me. I don’t know what a website is and I have never used a computer. But they tell me this is how to do business today. What I am is a fisherman. I have been in the charter business in the Florida Keys for over 40 years. So, I thank you for taking the time to look at it and I hope that I get to take you fishing real soon!”

Captain Donnie Braswell

Come fish with a true Keys Legend “Captain Donnie Braswell”. In Marathon all you have to do is say Donnie - all the locals know who you are talking about. He’s been in the Heart of Florida Keys in the charter boat business for over 40 years. To fish with Donnie is to hear about the Keys the “way it used to be”. To drive across the old, narrow Seven Mile Bridge and lose your side mirror to an oncoming eighteen wheeler. To hear about losing a 150 pound tarpon to the legendary 20 foot hammerhead shark named “Big Mo”. To hear about the guys in the 70’s who made a living picking up bales of dope out of the mangroves. Or to hear about air boating in the Florida Everglades, hunting in Africa or having dinner with the President.

But most importantly you get to fish with Donnie. He has spent his entire life time living his passion. The man has put more fish in the boat of his than any other guide around. He has simply caught the biggest and most fish! And each fish you catch will add to that record. You will catch fish! And you will have fun! It is a complete experience. You get to fish with a Keys Original - the last of the Old Time Guides. You get to have a “helluva” good time and you get to catch fish. There is no better way to experience the Florida Keys water than with Captain Donnie on the Finest Kind.


Book Now !! 100.00 USD